Sept. 14, 2022

Why the Conflict in Your Story Matters

Why the Conflict in Your Story Matters

This week on Real Relationships Real Revenue, we have been diving into the power and science of storytelling in business. There are three main elements to a great story and they are the Call, the Conflict, and the Conclusion. In the last episode, we...

This week on Real Relationships Real Revenue, we have been diving into the power and science of storytelling in business. There are three main elements to a great story and they are the Call, the Conflict, and the Conclusion. In the last episode, we talked about the Call, and in this episode, we are talking more about the Conflict and why it matters in your storytelling. 


Topics We Cover in This Episode: 

  • What needs to be included in the Conflict
  • How to choose the elements to highlight in your conflict
  • The most critical part of sharing the Conflict in your story
  • The importance of cutting out the extra detail and only including what’s important to the recipient 


When explaining the Conflict to your client, you want to eliminate the extraneous detail and only highlight the elements of the story that are important to the client and show them how you can move their life forward. This is a critical part of telling a good story. 

A great conflict helps everyone achieve more than they ever thought possible. The setup is in the Call where everyone is reluctant, but the Conflict is where you can truly show how much is really possible when you work together. 

Up next, we are diving into the Conclusion. It’s extremely powerful but it is the most often missed element of storytelling and I can’t wait to share how you can use it in your storytelling. 


Resources Mentioned:

Learn more about Joseph Campbell

Check out The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers

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