Feb. 22, 2022

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Tyler Sweatt

What Business Development REALLY Means, According to Tyler Sweatt

Mo asks Tyler Sweatt: What is your personal definition of business development? Simply put, it’s all about value creation. The entire spectrum of taking a prospect from completely cold to raving fan is the process of growth. Content creation is...

Mo asks Tyler Sweatt: What is your personal definition of business development?

  • Simply put, it’s all about value creation.
  • The entire spectrum of taking a prospect from completely cold to raving fan is the process of growth.
  • Content creation is part of the effort, similar to an at-scale give-to-get. When someone hits the pipeline, Tyler focuses on qualifying them immediately and moving quickly on closing the deal.
  • For marketing and lead generation, you need to figure out the three most important metrics you need to cover and orient on those. That will make everything else easier.
  • Referrals are a big indicator of both effectiveness and product-market fit.
  • Try to avoid measuring too many metrics at the same time.
  • You need to think about business development from the customer’s buying process and how you can remove as much friction from their buying process as possible. Make it as easy to buy from you as possible.
  • Focus on a positive buying experience and make it easy for the customer. Being customer-centered will be extremely valuable in everything you work on.



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