April 23, 2021

The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Mike Michalowicz, Author of Fix This Next

The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Mike Michalowicz, Author of Fix This Next

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Mike Michalowicz. There is the evolution of a business that can be broken down. You don’t want to focus on the higher level elements until addressing the foundations. This is where the Business Hierarchy of...

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Mike Michalowicz.

  • There is the evolution of a business that can be broken down. You don’t want to focus on the higher level elements until addressing the foundations. This is where the Business Hierarchy of Needs comes in.
  • The foundation of any business that’s service based is sales. You have to get good at business development, if you don’t you will stagnate and fall back. Once you start getting money in the door, you can start thinking about profit and efficiency. Then the next step is making the biggest impact on the people you serve that you can. You can then focus on the legacy of the business so that you can leave the world in a better state than you found it in.
  • Business development is the foundation, but it’s also intertwined with each level and constantly revisited.
  • The three questions for clients is a great framework for identifying how you can deepen your relationship with them. “What am I doing right?”, “What’s wrong with our industry?”, and “What other vendors/partners do you depend on?”.
  • By systematizing those three questions you have an excellent process for identifying where to focus on next.
  • Focus on one project at a time, even if you have multiple projects you’re working on over a given time period. It can play off your grand overarching strategy in the long term, but you have to pull those big things down to one specific task and focus on that to completion.



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