Aug. 13, 2021
The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Nancy Duarte, Author of Resonate

Mo shares his insights from the habits of Nancy Duarte. Empathy was the common thread found through all the content of Nancy’s interview. When it comes to a first meeting, whether that’s meeting someone for the first time or with a new offering,...
Mo shares his insights from the habits of Nancy Duarte.
- Empathy was the common thread found through all the content of Nancy’s interview. When it comes to a first meeting, whether that’s meeting someone for the first time or with a new offering, most people start off with the intent of talking about themselves, and one of the biggest transformations Mo sees with his clients is to turn that around.
- If we are truly thinking with empathy, our mind is not thinking about closing the deal. We’re trying to be helpful and get the client excited about getting our help.
- Follow-ups like a give-to-get, video training, or books are great investments in the potential client’s success.
- Follow-ups come in four main forms; technical, procedural, relational, and big ideas. Those four touch on the four ways that people think, and good follow-ups generally span all four and are framed in a way that gets the client excited.
- Great relationships turn to commercial success over time. The problem comes in when you are going into a meeting trying to sell, because then you are less likely to be listening with empathy and securing the follow ups you want.
- Story is the most memorable way of communication. When people are listening to a story, research shows that the areas of the brain light up in a way that mirrors the story.
- If you tell your stories in the right way, you’re connecting with your audience in an empathic way where you are both feeling the same things at the same moment.
- Get great at your origin story, a product story, and a client story. Deliberately practice them and hone your story telling skill. Build a list of the kinds of stories that you would like to use to connect with clients.
- We communicate best with stories that involve you and another party. Your ‘We’ story allows you to harness empathy and allows the audience to come along the ride with you in a way they can identify with.
- Empathy is the key to successful business development. It’s essentially about always serving other people, being proactive, and helping your clients succeed.
- The more you help others achieve their goals, the more of your goals you can achieve.
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