Feb. 28, 2022

Kim Davenport on Curiosity – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Kim Davenport on Curiosity – Time To Get Great At Business Development

Mo asks Kim Davenport: Tell me the moment when you decided that business development is something that you wanted to focus on, as well as how to connect with prospects and create wins for clients. There isn’t a particular point in time in which Kim...

Mo asks Kim Davenport: Tell me the moment when you decided that business development is something that you wanted to focus on, as well as how to connect with prospects and create wins for clients.

  • There isn’t a particular point in time in which Kim said to herself, ‘This is development, I need to focus on clients’ – it’s just something that has always been part of her. Focusing on helping people and building relationships with people has been with her pretty much since day one.
  • For Kim, inclusion, diversity and having a passion for helping clients are all components of the same equation. She’s always seeking ways to help others, to build relationships with different people. This is part of diversity and inclusion, and you can’t do one without the other.
  • Being seen as someone who’s helping somebody make their way and get better, and as someone who creates opportunities for clients that allow them to be better, is the golden crown of business development.
  • Understanding how to get a prospect from a meeting to needing her help and wanting to hire her has been the hardest thing Kim had to learn. The answer lies in connecting, being curious and having conversations that bring prospects on a journey. Becoming someone they can lean on, someone who listens to them, and who just lets them get it all out, can be transformational.
  • It’s about asking questions and taking prospects on the journey first. Kim has a current client, who has been her friend for years. After having a long conversation, Kim realized that what her friend was struggling with in her business was something that Kim could help her with.
  • The key is to engage in actively listening to who you’re having a conversation with.



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