July 27, 2021

How to Use Six Pixels of Separation to Create and Close More Opportunities, with Mitch Joel

How to Use Six Pixels of Separation to Create and Close More Opportunities, with Mitch Joel

Mo asks Mitch Joel: How would you advise high end professionals to create and close more deals? Go and follow Jeffrey Gettemer and subscribe to his newsletter. Anything Mitch has learned about sales was picked up from Jeffrey. Essentially, a lot of...

Mo asks Mitch Joel: How would you advise high end professionals to create and close more deals?

  • Go and follow Jeffrey Gettemer and subscribe to his newsletter. Anything Mitch has learned about sales was picked up from Jeffrey.
  • Essentially, a lot of sales is about relationship building, storytelling, not being boring, and not being caught up in our own world. Instead it is about focusing on what the prospect wants.
  • One of the biggest mistakes in sales is thinking exclusively about your own goals and quotas, when having the vision of what the person across the table needs is where the opportunity is.
  • Jeffrey once told the story of how his father always came home after work and voraciously wrote notes about companies and individuals and ideas so that he could better sell to them. The people who are outworking you or outselling you are just out-homeworking you.
  • Even though Mitch is no longer in the agency business, he still collects any articles or content he finds that would be relevant to someone and sends it to them. This isn’t done to derive immediate value but it works well as a connection point and relationship builder.
  • Don’t link-spam people. This approach is a strategy of gifting and is a customized, one-to-one touchpoint.
  • There is a lot of power derived when you do things like this authentically and from the heart.



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