April 27, 2021

How to Use Leading From Anywhere to Create and Close More Opportunities, with David Burkus

How to Use Leading From Anywhere to Create and Close More Opportunities, with David Burkus

Mo asks David Burkus: How can we create demand and get deals done virtually? The traditional method of closing a deal usually involved meeting clients in person but it wasn’t the activity itself that determined the failure or success of the deal....

Mo asks David Burkus: How can we create demand and get deals done virtually?

  • The traditional method of closing a deal usually involved meeting clients in person but it wasn’t the activity itself that determined the failure or success of the deal. It was the whitespace around the meeting that built the bonds that led to trust.
  • Most people don’t build that into their virtual meetings, which is something that we really need to do.
  • You build trust and bonds in the unstructured, open space around the meeting time and you need to build that into remote environments.
  • What are the white space moments that built relationships in person and how can you recreate those experiences in your remote working environment?
  • To allow people to get to know each other, give them space to ask questions and get answers. Structure some questions to allow people to learn about each other and in a way where everyone has the opportunity to share a problem they are facing.
  • One of the best questions you can ask is “If you and I are meeting again a year from now over a bottle of Champagne, what are we celebrating?”



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