June 16, 2021

How to Use Curiosity and Motivation to Deepen Relationships, with Molly Fletcher

How to Use Curiosity and Motivation to Deepen Relationships, with Molly Fletcher

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: How do we deepen our relationships, but also meet the right new people and handle the first couple of weeks? One of the easiest ways to meet new people is to over deliver to your current clients so that they want to help you...

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: How do we deepen our relationships, but also meet the right new people and handle the first couple of weeks?

  • One of the easiest ways to meet new people is to over deliver to your current clients so that they want to help you and are happy to make introductions.
  • Know the difference between referrals and introductions. Asking for a high level of specificity in the ask is crucial to getting new relationships into play. When you over deliver in a relationship, they know that it would be a clear win for the other person and they’ll feel safe vouching for you.
  • When we are building new relationships, any way we can create opportunities that benefit both parties can be powerful foundations for growth.
  • No matter how you go about meeting new people, the common thread is always leading with value. Molly speaks on stage 80 to 100 days out of the year, and before every engagement she does a pre-call to get into the head and the heart of the audience. Before she even steps on stage, Molly has over delivered on the front end, well before she asked for something in return.
  • The people that win business listen first and have the courage to go off script. This is how you can become an authentic chameleon, take what you heard, and deliver what matters most to the other person.



Mentioned in this Episode:


training.mollyfletcher.com – $10 discount code: GAMECHANGER

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