June 15, 2021

How to Use Curiosity and Motivation to Create and Close More Opportunities, with Molly Fletcher

How to Use Curiosity and Motivation to Create and Close More Opportunities, with Molly Fletcher

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: How can busy professionals create and close the meaty business that we all want? Be relational, not transactional. When we stay relational we can do powerful things. A client relationship is like a marriage, you have to show...

Mo asks Molly Fletcher: How can busy professionals create and close the meaty business that we all want?

  • Be relational, not transactional. When we stay relational we can do powerful things. A client relationship is like a marriage, you have to show up every day and continue to add value to their world or they will go somewhere else.
  • Consistently over-deliver and add tremendous value to your client’s and prospect’s lives. If you pour into the people that matter to you, it creates a platform where if you ask for a referral or a favour, they are happy to do it for you.
  • Throwing in little extras around the services you provide have a disproportionate impact on your relationship.
  • Getting into someone’s head and heart is how you stand out. Most people are thinking that way or doing the things that connect that way, and if you do it consistently over time and from an authentic place, your prospect can’t help but like and trust you.
  • Oftentimes, the things that don’t cost money can have the most value of all.
  • Don’t aim to close the deal. Instead, build a vibrant ecosystem of relationships. When you do that you naturally generate opportunities for your pipeline over time.
  • You need enough in your pipeline to avoid desperation. Prospecting is like dating, you need to develop a relationship with the person before you propose to get married.



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