March 25, 2021

How to Hack Our Own Habits to Accomplish More, with Shawn Blanc

How to Hack Our Own Habits to Accomplish More, with Shawn Blanc

Mo asks Shawn Blanc: How do we apply margin to better manage ourselves and get more done? There are five components of a focused life. The final section is on margin and maintaining breathing room in your life, because that’s the make or break it...

Mo asks Shawn Blanc: How do we apply margin to better manage ourselves and get more done?

  • There are five components of a focused life. The final section is on margin and maintaining breathing room in your life, because that’s the make or break it for your life.
  • Margin is the space between your load and your breaking point. Finances are the only area of your life that can be lived beyond your means, every other area has a hard limit.
  • Having breathing room within your schedule, relationships, and emotions allows you to continue doing the things that matter the most to you.
  • You hack your habits by giving yourself the healthy breathing room you need to sustain it without getting burned out.
  • It sometimes feels impossible to create this margin in your life, but burnout is impossible to sustain as well. You can either recognize it and make the choice to create margin in your life, or your circumstances will make those choices for you.
  • The two most dangerous years of your life are the year you are born and the year after you retire. We run our lives near the redline all the way to retirement which often results in an untimely demise when we abruptly stop.
  • Where in your life are you redlining that you need some breathing room in? What can you do now to reduce your load in that area?
  • Shawn has a simple process that he uses to assess the tasks in his life and figure out what can be eliminated to either reduce his load or increase his limits. If you don’t think you have time to start planning, the first thing you need to do is eliminate something from your schedule.
  • If you’re already on the edge of burnout, it’s not the time to take on new things. When you have no flexibility in your schedule, you have no time for anyone.


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