April 29, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Henning Streubel Would Say To His Younger Self

Going Back In Time, What Henning Streubel Would Say To His Younger Self

Mo asks Henning Streubel: If you could record a video around relationship development and send it back to your younger self, what would it say? Henning would send three points back. The first is that you have to care about the people. You can only...

Mo asks Henning Streubel: If you could record a video around relationship development and send it back to your younger self, what would it say?

  • Henning would send three points back. The first is that you have to care about the people. You can only develop relationships when you care about the other person and their issues.
  • When you are engaging with them, it’s not about just showcasing your expertise and what you know. It’s about listening to them and what they want. If you come with a cookie-cutter approach, you won’t establish trust. Understanding what the other person needs and bringing a customized approach is the key to trust.
  • This kind of work is a team sport. Think about how you can compliment your own skills and strengths with your team so you can offer a holistic value to your clients.
  • The basis for all those lessons is that you aren’t born with these skills and consistently learning them over time is okay.
  • It is vital to respect the individual clients and companies that you work with.
  • Not everything goes to plan. For Henning, he overcomes setbacks very quickly by looking forward rather than backwards. Feel the pain and then move on.
  • Everybody needs to find their own way of processing pain, leverage the learning, and move forward again. It doesn’t help us as a society or as leaders to dwell on setbacks for too long. For Henning, that means going for a run or a bike ride. For others, that could be having a conversation with someone they trust.



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