Jan. 28, 2022

Going Back In Time, What Bill Ruprecht Would Say To His Younger Self

Going Back In Time, What Bill Ruprecht Would Say To His Younger Self

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: If you could record a video around business development for your younger self, what would it say? You learn a lot more from failure than you do from success. Early on in Bill’s career, he had developed a relationship with an...

Mo asks Bill Ruprecht: If you could record a video around business development for your younger self, what would it say?

  • You learn a lot more from failure than you do from success. Early on in Bill’s career, he had developed a relationship with an art collector, but after the collector passed away the business went to other people because Bill didn’t consider what would happen after that point or lay the foundation to make sure the family would work with him.
  • It’s important to not rely on a single individual for your relationship with an organization. You need to create a team of advocates to work with a team of counterparts within the organization.
  • Remove your ego from the equation and focus on building a team to team relationship.
  • We tend to focus on our expertise and believe that’s how decisions get made, but that’s not the way it works. What should drive those decisions is that your company has a collection of skills to help clients solve their problems.



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