Everything You Need to Know About Curiosity in Your Business

This week we are talking about how to create curiosity. This is a really interesting topic because hardly anybody talks about the importance of creating curiosity. In this episode, we’ll be going through how to leverage it as a useful...
This week we are talking about how to create curiosity. This is a really interesting topic because hardly anybody talks about the importance of creating curiosity. In this episode, we’ll be going through how to leverage it as a useful business tool and ensure success in our business relations.
We’ll be discussing things like WHY curiosity is so important, how to create it during and in between meetings, how to use curiosity to make a good first impression, and when to really go the extra mile.
Tune in to find out more about:
- Why curiosity is an intrinsic motivator
- How curiosity creates a heightened sense of arousal
- How curiosity allows you to remember more
- Why you should ask for more data to analyze with the intention to share results during the next meeting
- When to introduce an idea about process improvement or timeline as a next step
- How to suggest an introduction to somebody who has experience in the area of discussion
- Why you should suggest setting up a tailored brainstorming session
- Ways to hint at something that’s coming without fully giving it away
- How to time these hints strategically throughout your meetings
- Why you shouldn’t ignore using curiosity as a helpful business tool
- How to frame the problem you solve
- When to have a dialogue to ensure understanding
- Why you should state what you do
- How to use the unexpected to drive curiosity
- How to add value to your interactions with others
- The importance of creating enjoyable experiences
Retaining the attention of your clients throughout your business relationship (starting even with your very first introduction) is important and vital to the productivity of that relationship. Make the most of your time - and the most of your clients’ time - by delivering an experience that keeps your prospects present and involved.
Keep the curiosity going!
Mentioned in this episode:
This is Your Brain on Curiosity: TEDx Talk with Matthais Gruber
The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Luke Burgis, Author of Wanting
The Top 3 Things You Need to Implement from Ron Tite, Author of Think. Do. Say.
How to Use Customer Experience and Marketing to Create and Close More Opportunities, with Jay Baer
Glen Jackson on Preeminence – What You Need To Succeed